Kentro Proothisis Paradosiakon Proionton Cyprou KPP LTD (KPP) – Partner:

Kentro Proothisis Paradosiakon Proionton Cyprou KPP LTD was founded in 2018 as a limited liability company by a true lover of tradition who knows its traditional products Cyprus and believes that the future of modern societies belongs to the tradition, which managed to keep the continuity of its people in Cyprus for hundreds if not thousands of years. It unites and promotes traditional products of 20 small family own producers activated in Cyprus.

The Center operates throughout Cyprus from its base located in a rural area few kilometers west of Nicosia the capital of Cyprus and is directly related to producers located throughout Cyprus who have been producing their traditional products for years. The Center maintains strong ties with producers as well as excellent relations with its institutions public and private sectors specializing in the production and promotion of traditional products.

It specializes in undertaking actions that generally promote the traditional products of Cyprus both in Cyprus and abroad through:

• Advertising and promotion activities
• Groups of producers to create economies of scale
• Recording of traditional products and standardization of their quality
• Creation of distribution networks
• Registration of young farmers and monitoring of relevant processing products by farmers
• Monitoring for undertaking actions and programs funded by the European Union
• Participation in boards before the drafting of rules and legislation related to their marketing traditional products
• Creating reports on traditional products
• Conducting training seminars to improve quality and productivity
• Undertaking actions at National and European level through relevant programs
• Development of strategic collaborations with institutions in Cyprus and abroad through European initiatives and actions.

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